프랑스의 자연주의 화가 - 쥘 바스티앵 르파주 (Jules Bastien-Lepage)
쥘 바스티앵 르파주 (Jules Bastien-Lepage) 프랑스의 자연주의 화가 Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923), 1879 All Souls' Day, 1878, oil on canvas, 46 × 55 cm Diogenes, 1873, oil on canvas La Communiante, 1875, oil on canvas, 53.02 × 37.78 cm Ruhende Landleute, c. 1877, oil on canvas Portrait of French philosopher Adolphe Franck (1809-1893), 1878 The Annu..