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세기적 거장 외젠 드 블라스[Eugene de Blaas]의 명화세계

박연서원 2014. 4. 27. 00:36

Eugene de Blaas
Austrian Academic Classical painter
born 1843 - died 1931


세기적 거장 외젠 드 블라스[Eugene de Blaas]의 명화세계 


로마에서 가까운 알바노에서 오스트리아인 부모 사이에서 태어났다. 아버지 Karl von Blaas는 역사화, 프레스코벽화 화가이면서 비엔나 아카데미 그리고 베니스 아카데미의 교수이기도 했는데 Eugene과 동생 Julius를 가르쳤다고 한다. 아버지가 베니스 아카데미의 교수가 되어 가족이 베니스로 이사를 가게되자, Eugene은 그 곳에서 본격적으로 베니스에 관한 그림을 그리게 된다.

그가 즐겨 그림 소재들은 주로 베니스 사람들의 일상에 관한 것들이었는데 아름다운 베니스의 여인들, 곤돌라 사공들, 어부들 그리고 아이들을 많이 그렸다.

당시 ‘Grand Tour'로 영국의 부유계층들이 즐겨 찾던 곳들 중의 한 곳이 베니스였고 여행기념으로 Eugene 과 같은 그림들을 많이 샀다고 한다.

지극히 평범하고 일상적인 소재들이지만 살아있는, 흥미롭고 기쁨이 가득찬 멋진 작품들이다.


유진 드 블라스는 유진 폰 블라스 혹은 유제니오 드 블라스라고도 불리는데 Academic Classicism로 알려져있는 학교를 졸업한 이탈리아 화가이다.  그는 로마 근교 알바노에서 태어나 오스트리아에서 사는 부모에게로 가서 성장하였다.  그의 아버지(칼 폰 블라스) 역시 화가이고 선생이었는데  베네치아의 아카데미에서 교수로 취업되어 그의 가족은 베네치아로 이사하였다. 그도 역시 베네치아 아카데미에서 교수가 되었다. 


Eugene de Blaas was born July 24,1843 at Albano, near Rome to Austrian parents. His father, Karl (1815 1894), teacher to him and his brother Julius (b.1845) became Professor at the Academy in Vienna and Venice, then part of the Austro Hungarian Empire. It was in Venice that Eugene de Blaas established himself as the leading painter of Venetian genre. Venice had been an essential stop on the Grand Tour since the early eighteenth century, past visitors had returned home with views and portraits, the late nineteenth century visitor wanted more. The affluent Venetian visitor wanted human interest, a sense of life by the canals and campos of the city, as a result of which a school of artists developed to supply this market. Native Italian artists like Antonio Paoletti and Antonio Rotta, Luke Fildes and William Logsdail from England, but above all Eugene de Blaas, depicted the life of Venetian fisherfolk, gondoliers and Venetian beauties. The titles of his paintings; "The Love Letter", "Stolen Kiss", "The Suitor", with his highly polished technique, the depiction of embroidered lace, auburn hair and a coquettish glance, ensured that his paintings were of universal appeal. Between 1875 and 1891 de Blaas exhibited twelve works at the Royal Academy, London. By 1885 the art dealer Arthur Tooth & Son in London represented him before moving to his rival T. Maclean from 1886, also in London, an indication of the artist's popularity in Britain.

His works can be found in museums in Leicester; Melbourne; Nottingham; Sheffield; Sydney, Art Gallery of New South Wales and Vienna.


On the Beach
Oil on canvas, 1908
29 x 17 inches (73.7 x 43.2 cm)
Private collection


Flirtation at the Well
Oil on panel, 1902
35 7/8
x 47 7/8 inches (91.4 x 121.9 cm)
Private collection


The Flirtation
Oil on panel, 1904
7/8 x 39 1/2 inches (83.8 x 100.4 cm)

Private collection


The Friendly Gossips
Oil on canvas laid down on board, 1901
1/2 x 48 inches (98 x 122 cm)
Private collection


Le Plaisir [Pleasure]
Oil on cradled panel, 1900
1/4x 19 1/8 inches (84.7 x 48.8 cm)
Private collection


Shared Correspondance
Oil on panel, 1899
1/4 x 27 3/4 inches (99.7 x 70.5 cm)
Private collection


On the Balcony
Oil on cradled panel, 1877
3/4 x 401/2 inches (68 x 103 cm)
Private collection


The Serenade
Oil on canvas, 1910
37 x 44 inches (93.98 x 111.76 cm)
Private collection


The Seamstress
Oil on canvas
1/2 inches (85.1 x 68.6 cm)
Private collection


Madchen mit Granatapfeln [Girl with Pomegranates]
Oil on canvas, 1912
33 3/4
x 257/8 inches (86 x 66 cm)
Private collection


A Pensive Moment
Oil on cradled panel, 1896
33 3/8 x 21 inches (85 x 53.5 cm)
Private collection


Die Wassertragerin [The Watercarrier]
Oil on canvas, 1908
1/2 x 17 1/4 inches (75 x 44 cm)
Private collection


Die Lauscherin [The Eavesdropper]
Oil on panel, 1906
3/8 x 18 1/2 inches (80 x 47 cm)
Private collection


De Musette
Oil on panel, 1900
49 3/8 x 29 1/4 inches (125.7 x 74.3 cm)
Private collection


Which Came First?
Oil on panel, 1899
30 7/8
x 171/8 inches (78.7 x 43.8 cm)
Public collection


Oil on canvas, 1889
1/8 x 40 5/8 inches (241.9 x 103.2 cm)
Private collection


The Flirtation
Oil on panel, 1889
1/2 x 7 3/4 inches (32 x 20 cm)
Public collection


Oil on canvas
Private collection


Catch of the Day
Oil on canvas
39 x 50
7/8 inches (99.1 x 129.4 cm)
Public collection


Gathering Shells
Oil on canvas
Private collection


Portrait of a Lady
Watercolor, gouache and pencil on paper, laid down on board
1/4 x 11 3/4  inches (36.2 x 29.9 cm)
Private collection


Portrait of a Venetian Lady
Oil on panel
8 x 6
1/4 inches (20.5 x 16 cm)
Private collection


The Fruit Seller
Oil on canvas
Public collection


An Affectionate Glance
Oil on cradled panel, 1909
50 7/8 x 25 inches (129.5 x 63.5 cm)
Private collection


A Viennese Beauty
Oil on panel, 1899
40 x 24
3/8 inches (101.6 x 62 cm)
Private collection


Oil on panel, 1899
7/8 x 20 1/2 inches (78.7 x 52.1 cm)
Private collection


Oil on canvas, 1890
1/2 x 25 7/8 inches (100.5 x 66 cm)
Private collection


Le Travail [Work]
Oil on cradled panel
1/4 x 19 1/8 inches (84.7 x 48.8 cm)
Private collection


The Rose
Oil on canvas
1/2 x 28 5/8 inches (98.1 x 73 cm)
Private collection


The Grape Picker
Oil on panel, 1902
31 1/4 x 17 1/2 inches (79.4 x 44.5 cm)
Private collection


The Love Letter
Oil on canvas, 1902
31 3/8 x 17 1/2 inches (80 x 44.5 cm)
Private collection


On The Balcony
Oil on canvas, 1889
7/8 x 25 3/4 inches (106.4 x 65.5 cm)
Private collection


Good News
Oil on cradled panel, 1887
3/8 x 18 5/8 inches (80 x 47.6 cm)
Private collection


A Portrait Of A Young Lady
Oil on panel
1/2 x 10 3/8 inches (34.5 x 26.5 cm)
Private collection


An Elegant Lady
Oil on panel
12 7/8 x 9 1/4 inches (33 x 23.8 cm)
Private collection


An Interesting Story
Oil on canvas
27 x 19 inches (68.6 x 48.5 cm)
Private collection


The Farewell
Oil on panel
37 1/2
x 16 1/4 inches (95.4 x 41.5 cm)
Private collection


The New Suitor
Oil on canvas
60 5/8 x 39 1/4 inches (154 x 100 cm)
Private collection


God's Creatures
Oil on canvas, 1877
3/8 x 29 7/8 inches (100.2 x 76 cm)
Private collection


Far Away Thoughts

Oil on canvas

68.6 x 55.9 cm

Private collection


Venetian Flower Seller

Oil on cradled panel, 1895

88.9 x 29.5 cm


Two Children by Eugene de Blaas

Two Children   1889


In the Water


Portrait of a Woman  1900


A Young Beauty  1882 AD Austria


At the Well  1872 AD


Head of a Young Boy


Madchenbildnis 1850


Portrait of a Boy 1884


The Flower Seller


Plaisir d'Amour (The Pleasure of Love)

조수미, soprano

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