
Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport - Rolf Harris

박연서원 2013. 6. 24. 13:09

Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport 

Rolf Harris

이미지를 클릭하면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.


There's an old Australian stockman lying, dying. 

He gets himself up
onto one elbow and 'e turns to his mates,

who are all gathered around and 'e says:


Watch me wallabies feed, mate
Watch me wallabies feed,
They're a dangerous breed, mate
So watch me wallabies feed
Altogether now!


Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down


Keep me cockatoo cool, Curl,
Keep me cockatoo cool
Ah, don't go acting the fool, Curl
Just keep me cockatoo cool
Altogether now!



'n' take me koala back, Jack
Take me koala back
He lives somewhere out on the track, Mac
So take me koala back
Altogether now!



Let me abos go loose, Lew
Let me abos go loose
They're of no further use, Lew
So let me abos go loose
Altogether now!



And mind me platypus duck, Bill
Mind me platypus duck
Ah, don't let 'im go running amok, Bill
Just mind me platypus duck
Altogether now!



Play your didgeridoo, Blue
Play your didgeridoo
Ah, like, keep playin' 'til I shoot thru, Blue
Play your didgeridoo
Altogether now!



Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred
Tan me hide when I'm dead
So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde
And that's it hangin' on the shed!!
Altogether now!



Rolf Harris


Rolf Harris Spoof [funny stuff]


Beatles and Rolf Harris with the lyrics


1963년 발표된 Rolf Harris 대표곡으로 알미늄판을 펄럭이는 듯한 소리가 매력적이다.

가사가 호주의 사투리로 되어 있어 이해하기 어렵지만 임종을 앞둔 목장주가 그의 친구와 가족들에게 자기의 캥가루들 그리고 그의 동물들을 잘 돌보아 달라고 부탁하는 내용을 담고있다. 

63년 빌보드 싱글 3위까지 입성한곡이다.