백스 / 교향곡 1번, 2번
Symphony No.1 in E flat major
'In the Faery Hills, The Garden of Fand' (Tone poem for Orchestra)
백스 / 교향곡 1번
Arnold Bax 1883-1953
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Symphony No.1 in E flat
I. Allegro Moderato E Feroce - 00:00
II. Lento Solenne 13:42
III. Allegro Maestoso - 24:04
David Lloyd-Jones, cond.
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Symphony No.2 in E minor and C major
'November Woods' (Tone poem for Orchestra)
백스 / 교향곡 2번 '11월의 숲'
Arnold Bax 1883-1953
David Lloyd-Jones, cond.
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Symphony No.2 in E minor and C major
I. Molto Moderato - 00:00
II. Andante - 16:47
III. Poco Largamente - 28:57
David Lloyd-Jones, cond.
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Sir Arnold Bax, 1883-1953
1883. 11. 8 영국 런던~ 1953. 10. 3 아일랜드 코크 코크. 영국의 작곡가.
그의 음악은 제1·2차 세계대전 사이에 출현한 신낭만주의 경향을 대표한다.
백스는 1900년 영국 왕립 음악 아카데미에 들어가 피아노를 공부했고, 1909년 켈트 문예부흥과 아일랜드 시의 영향을 받아 교향시 〈패리 힐스에서 In the Faëry Hills〉를 작곡했다. 1910년 러시아에 체류했고, 그후 수년 동안 아일랜드에서 더모트 오번이라는 필명으로 단편소설과 시들을 발표했다.
1916~17년 3편의 교향시 <팬드의 정원 The Garden of Fand>‧<틴타겔 Tintagel>‧<11월의 숲 November Woods〉 등을 써서 명성을 확고히 했다. J. M. 배리의 희곡을 대본으로 작곡한 발레 〈러시아 무용가들에 관한 진실 The Truth About the Russian Dancers〉이 1920년 세르게이 디아길레프 무용단에 의해 공연되었다. 1921~39년 존 아일런드와 얀 시벨리우스 등 존경하는 음악가들에게 7개의 교향곡을 헌정했다.
〈비올라와 하프를 위한 소나타〉(1928)·〈목관 악기, 현악기, 하프를 위한 9중주〉(1931)를 비롯하여 피아노곡과 실내악 작품들도 다수 남겼다. 오랫동안 아일랜드와 스코틀랜드 해안지방에 살면서 낭만적이고 화려한 색채의 관현악곡들을 썼다. 1937년 기사작위를 받았으며 1941년 국왕 음악교사로 임명되었다.
Tamara (1911, orch. 2000)
From Dusk till Dawn (1917)
The Truth about the Russian Dancers (1920)
Orchestral, Symphonies
Spring Fire (1913)
Symphony No. 1 (1922)
Symphony No. 2 (1926)
Symphony No. 3 (1929)
Symphony No. 4 (1931)
Symphony No. 5 (1932)
Symphony No. 6 (1935)
Symphony No. 7 (1939)
Tone Poems
Cathaleen-ni-Hoolihan (1905)
Into The Twilight (1908)
In The Faery Hills (1909)
Rosc-catha (1910)
Christmas Eve (1912, revised c.1921)
Nympholept (1912, orch. 1915, revised 1935)
The Garden of Fand (1913, orch. 1916)
In Memoriam (1916)
November Woods (1917)
Tintagel (1917, orch. 1919)
Summer Music (1917, orch. 1921, revised 1932)
The Happy Forest (1922)
The Tale the Pine Trees Knew (1931)
Northern Ballad No. 1 (1927)
Northern Ballad No. 2 (1934)
Prelude for a Solemn Occasion (Northern Ballade No. 3) (1927, orch. 1933)
A Legend (1944)
Other Orchestral Works
Variations for Orchestra (Improvisations) (1904)
A Song of War & Victory (1905)
On the Sea Shore (1908, orch. 1984)
Festival Overture (1911, revised 1918)
Dance of Wild Irravel (1912)
Four Orchestral Pieces (1912-13)
Three Pieces for Small Orchestra (1913, revised 1928)
Symphonic Scherzo (1917, revised 1933)
Russian Suite (1919)
Mediterranean (1922)
Cortège (1925)
Romantic Overture (1926)
Overture, Elegy and Rondo (1927)
Three Pieces (1928)
Overture to a Picaresque Comedy (1930)
Sinfonietta (1932)
Saga Fragment (1932)
Rogue's Comedy Overture (1936)
Overture to Adventure (1936)
London Pageant (1937)
Paean (1938)
Salute to Sydney (Fanfare) (1943)
Work in Progress (Overture) (1943)
Victory March (1945)
The Golden Eagle (Incidental Music) (1945)
Two Royal Wedding Fanfares (1947)
Coronation March (1952)
Symphonic Variations, for piano and orchestra (1918)
Phantasy for Viola and Orchestra (1920)
Winter Legends, for piano and orchestra (1930)
Cello Concerto (1932)
Violin Concerto (1938)
Piano Concertino (1939)
Morning Song, for piano and orchestra (1946)
Concertante for Three Solo Instruments and Orchestra (1949)
Concertante for Orchestra with Piano (Left Hand) (1949)
Variations on the name Gabriel Fauré for Harp & String Orchestra (1949)
Chamber, one Player
Valse, for harp (1931)
Rhapsodic Ballad, for cello (1939)
Two Players, Violin
Violin Sonata No. 1 (1910)
Legend, for violin and piano, in one movement (1915)
Violin Sonata No. 2 (1915, revised 1922)
Ballad, for violin and piano (1916)
Violin Sonata No. 3 (1927)
Ballad, for violin and piano (1929)
Violin Sonata in F (1928)
Concert Piece for Viola and Piano (1904)
Viola Sonata (1922)
Legend, for viola and piano (1929)
Folk-Tale, for cello & piano (1918)
Cello Sonata (1923)
Cello Sonatina (1933)
Legend-Sonata, for cello & piano (1943)
Four Pieces for Flute and Piano (1912, revised 1915 & 1945)
Clarinet Sonata (1934)
Fantasy Sonata, for viola & harp (1927)
Sonata for Flute and Harp (1928)
Three Players
Trio in one Movement for Piano, Violin, and Viola (1906)
Elegiac Trio, for flute, viola, and harp (1916)
Piano Trio in Bb (1946)
Four Players
String Quartet No. 1 in G major (1918)
Piano Quartet, in one movement (1922)
String Quartet No. 2 (1925)
String Quartet No. 3 in F (1936)
Five Players
Quintet in G (1908)
Piano Quintet in G minor (1915)
Quintet for Harp and Strings, in one movement (1919)
Oboe Quintet (1922)
String Quintet, in one movement (1933)
Six or More Players
In Memoriam, sextet for cor anglais, harp & string quartet (1916)
Nonet (1930)
Octet (1934)
Threnody and Scherzo, octet in two movements (1936)
Concerto for Flute, Oboe, Harp and String Quartet (1936)
Piano, one Piano
Clavierstücke (Juvenilia) (1897-8)
Piano Sonata, Op. 1 (1898)
Piano Sonata in D minor (1900)
Marcia Trionfale (1900)
White Peace (Arranged by Ronald Stevenson 1907)
Concert Valse in Eb (1910)
Piano Sonata No. 1 (1910, revised 1917-20)
Piano Sonata in F# minor (1910, revised, 1911, 1919 & 1921)
Two Russian Tone-Pictures (1912)
Nympholept (1912)
Scherzo for Piano (1913)
Toccata for Piano (1913)
From the Mountains of Home (Arranged by Peter warlock) (1913)
The Happy Forest (1914)
In the Night (1914)
Apple-Blossom-Time (1915)
In a Vodka Shop (1915)
The Maiden with the Daffodil (1915)
A Mountain Mood (1915)
The Princess’s Rose Garden (1915)
Sleepy-Head (1915)
Winter Waters (1915)
Dream in Exile (1916)
Nereid (1916)
On a May Evening (1918)
A Romance (1918)
The Slave Girl (1919)
What the Minstrel Told Us (1919)
Whirligig (1919)
Piano Sonata No. 2 (1919, revised 1920)
Burlesque (1920)
Ceremonial Dance (1920)
A Country-Tune (1920)
A Hill Tune (1920)
Lullaby (1920)
Mediterranean (1920)
Serpent Dance (1920)
Water Music (1920)
Piano Sonata in E flat (1921)
Piano Sonata No. 3 (1926)
Pæan (c.1928)
Piano Sonata No. 4 (1932)
A Legend (1935)
Piano Sonata in B flat Salzburg (1937)
O Dame get up and bake your pies (1945)
Suite on the Name Gabriel Fauré (1945)
Four Pieces for Piano (1947)
Two Lyrical Pieces for Piano (1948)
Two Pianos
Fantasia for Two Pianos (1900)
Festival Overture (Arrangement of orchestral work 1911)
Moy Mell (1916)
Mediterranean (Arranged for three hands by H. Rich 1920)
Hardanger (1927)
The Poisoned Fountain (1928)
The Devil that tempted St Anthony (1928)
Sonata for Two Pianos (1929)
Red Autumn (1931)
Film music
Malta, G. C. (1942)
Oliver Twist (1948)
Journey into History (1951)
Vocal, Choral
Fatherland (Runeberg, tr. C. Bax) [tenor solo] (1907, revised 1934)
A Christmas Carol (Anon.) [arranged for SATB by Hubert Dawkes] (1909)
Enchanted Summer (Shelley) [two soprano solos] (1910)
Variations sur ‘Cadet Rousselle’ (French trad.) [arranged by Max Saunders] (1918)
Of a rose I sing a song (Anon.) [SATB, harp, cello, double bass] (1920)
Now is the Time of Christymas (Anon.) [TB, flute, piano] (1921)
Mater, ora Filium (Anon.) [SSAATTBB] (1921)
This Worldes Joie (Anon.) [SATB] (1922)
The Boar’s Head (Anon.) [TTBB] (1923)
I sing of a maiden that is makeless (Anon.) [SAATB] (1923)
To the Name above every Name (Crashaw) [soprano solo] (1924)
St Patrick’s Breastplate (Anon.) [SATB] (1924)
Walsinghame (Raleigh) [tenor, obbligato soparano) (1926)
Lord, Thou hast told us (Washbourne) [hymn for SATB] (1930)
The Morning Watch (Vaughan) [SATB] (1935)
5 Fantasies on Polish Christmas Carols (trans. Śliwiński) [unison trebles] (1942)
5 Greek Folksongs (trans. Michel-Dmitri Calvocoressi) [SATB] (1942)
To Russia (Masefield) [baritone solo] (1944)
Gloria [SATB] (1945)
Nunc Dimittis [SATB] (1945)
Te Deum [SATB] (1945)
Epithalamium (Spenser) [SATB in unison] (1947)
Magnificat [SATB] (1948)
Happy Birthday to you (Hill) [arr. SATB] (1951)
What is it like to be young and fair? (C. Bax) [SSAAT] (1953)
Songs with Orchestra
2 Nocturnes [soprano] (1911)
3 Songs [high voice] (1914)
Song of the Dagger (Strettell and Sylva) [bass] (1914)
The Bard of the Dimbovitza (Strettel and Sylva) [mezzo-soprano] (1914, revised 1946)
Glamour (O’Byrne) [high voice] (1921, orchestrated by Rodney Newton 1987)
A Lyke-Wake (Anon.) [high voice] (1908, orchestrated 1934)
Wild Almond (Trench) [high voice] (1924, orchestrated 1934)
Eternity (Herrick) [high voice] (1934)
O Dear! What can the matter be? (trad. arr. Bax)
Songs with Chamber Ensemble
Aspiration (Dehmel) [arranged for high voice w/violin, cello, & piano] (1909)
My eyes for beauty pine (Bridges) [high voice with string quartet] (c.1921)
O Mistress mine (Shakespeare) [high voice with string quartet] (c.1921)
Songs with Piano
The Grand Match (O'Neill) (1903)
To My Homeland (Gwynn) (1904)
A Celtic Song Cycle (Macleod) (1904)
Eilidh my Fawn
Closing Doors
The Dark Eyes to Mine
A Celtic Lullaby
At the Last
When We Are Lost (Arnold Bax) (1905)
From the Uplands to the Sea (Morris) (1905)
Leaves, Shadows and Dreams (Macleod) (1905)
In the Silence of the Woods (Macleod) (1905)
Green Branches (Macleod) (1905)
The Fairies (Allingham) (1905)
Golden Guendolen (Morris) (1905)
The Song in the Twilight (Freda Bax) (1905)
Mircath: Viking-Battle-Song (Macleod) (1905)
A Hushing Song (Macleod) (1906)
I Fear Thy Kisses Gentle Maiden (Shelley) (1906)
Ballad: The Twa Corbies [recitation with piano] ('Border Minstrelsy') (1906)
Magnificat (St. Luke 1.46-55) (1906)
The Blessed Damozel (Rossetti) (1906)